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Awards for young researchers

Ann-Christin Grözinger and Philipp Köhn receive the 2023 Award for Young Researchers from the Association for the Promotion of the Faculty of Economics, Business Informatics and Business Law at the University of Siegen e.V.


Ann-Christin Grözing er received the 2023 award for young researchers for her publication "The power of shared positivity: Organizational psychological capital and firm performance during exogenous crises". Published in Small Business Economics.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11187-021-00506-4

Philipp Köhn received the 2023 award for young researchers for his publication  "Why are non-family employees intrapreneurially active in family firms? A multiple case study", which was published in the Journal of Family Business Strategy (JFBS).  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfbs.2022.100532

The "Promotion Award for Young Scientists" is awarded annually by the Association for the Promotion of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Business Informatics, and Business Law of the University of Siegen e.V. for outstanding academic journal publications by emerging researchers of Faculty III. 

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