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On this page you will find all the necessary information you need to consider if you want to apply for a thesis at the Chair of Entrepreneurship and SME Management.


Application Procedure:

  1. Applications for thesis supervision should be submitted no later than six weeks prior to the desired start date.

  2. The application is made via the following application form (online form), which must be completed in full electronically (applications that are incomplete or incorrectly filled in will not be considered).

  3. In this application form you have space to write a maximum 1.5 page exposé, from which your research question as well as the structure of the thesis should be evident. The preparation of the exposé is mandatory.

  4. Please send the completed application form in electronic form to the following email address:

  5. After we receive your application form, we will notify you within three weeks whether we will accept your thesis.


  1. We strongly recommend that you have attended a bachelor's or master's seminar of the chair prior to your registration.

  2. Please follow the guidelines for scientific work when preparing your thesis.

  3. Bachelor's theses must be written in German, Master's theses can be written in German or English.

  4. Important: All theses should have an empirical part (e.g., in the form of expert interviews, case studies, own surveys with corresponding analysis of the data or as literature analysis).

  5. You are welcome to offer us a thesis in cooperation with a company you know. However, the topic should fit our teaching and research profile and include an empirical component (see above).



Template for the creation of scientific papers: link


Template for the presentation of scientific papers:  link


Guide for the preparation of scientific papers: link


Topics of previously assigned theses: link


The Chair of SME Management and Entrepreneurship is currently additionally awarding a number of selected topics for theses. 

If you should be interested in one of the following topics, you can apply by e-mail to kmu@bwl.uni-siegen.de. In this case, please fill out the application form and indicate the desired research topic. 

Topics to be worked on are: 

  • Corruption and Entrepreneurship: A systematic literature review (due to the extensive supervision by Prof. Werner, very good academic performance is required for the application)
  • Drivers, barriers and success factors for immigrant-owned firms
  • Unsuccessful immigrant firms – causes
  • Innovation and digitalization in immigrants-owned firms
  • Well-being of immigrants Entrepreneurs  
  • How to categorize knowledge transfer from a broad perspective? A systematic literature review.


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