Univ.- Prof. Dr. Arndt WernerTemporarily only available via e-mail:
Prior to his appointment as Chair of Business Administration, esp. Management of SMEs and Entrepreneurship, Prof. Dr. Arndt Werner worked at the Institute for SME Research in Bonn (IfM Bonn). His most recent position was project coordinator and member of the management board. During this time, he held the professorship for Business Administration, esp. International Management at RWTH Aachen University and the professorship for Business Administration, esp. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management at the University of Siegen. He completed his habilitation there successfully in December 2012. His doctoral thesis was completed at the Department of Business Administration and Human Resources Management at the University of Cologne. Dr Arndt Werner has presented his research results at many national (e.g. VHB, Verein für Socialpolitik) and international (e.g. BCERC, EALE, SMS) conferences and published them in renowned journals (e.g. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Small Business Economics, Journal of Business Economics (ZfB), Journal of Technology Transfer, Journal of Small Business Management). His methodological work is based on microeconomic and behavioural theories with a strong focus on quantitative research. However, he also increasingly uses qualitative research methods (especially case studies). Currently, Prof. Dr. Arndt Werner is working increasingly on innovation behaviour in family businesses and the mechanisms of academic innovation transfer - e.g. via university spin-offs (academic entrepreneurship).
List of the 10 most recent scientific publications of the chair
- Zehra, M./ Werner, A./ Giebeler V & Schröder, C. (2024): Zum Zusammenhang von Persönlichkeitseigenschaften und der Nutzung von Gründungsunterstützungsleistungen – eine genderspezifische Analyse. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis. Vol. 76, Issue 2, 187-223.
- Pütz, L./ Werner, A. (2024). Absorptive capacity in family firms: a systematic literature review. Review of Managerial Science, Volume 18, pages 577–632.
- Stock, C./ Pütz, L./ Schell, S./ Werner, A. (2024): Corporate Social Responsibility in Family Firms: Status and Future Directions of a Research Field. Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 190, pages 199–259.
- Schmitt, M./ Schröder, C./ Beck, G./ Werner, A. (2023): An Exploratory Study of German Higher Education Institutions Transfer Activities: New Measurements Based on Web-Mining, ICIS - Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems 2023
- Stephan, M./ Demir, C./ Lasch, F./ Vossen, A./ Werner, A. (2023): Psychological well-being of hybrid entrepreneurs: A replication and extension study using German panel data. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 20.
- Hossinger, S./ Xiangiu, C./ Block, J./ Werner, A. (2023): Venture creation patterns in academic entrepreneurship: the role of founder motivations. Journal of Technology Transfer 48, 68-125.
- Bijedić, T./ Schröder, C./ Werner, A./ Chen, X. (2023): How do working conditions, network relationships, and institutional support offers effect entrepreneurial intentions of German university scientists?. Technovation.
- Rosum, A.,/ Werner, A. & Kraus, S. (2023): Treiber der Corporate Social Responsibility im deutschen Mittelstand: Die Rolle der Unternehmerfamilie, in: Duller, C.; Hiebl, M.; Kuttner, M.; Mayr, S.; Mitter, C. (Vol. Eds.), Herausforderungen im Management von Familienunternehmen – Werte, Wachstum, Controlling Krisenbewältigung, Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Pütz, L./ Schell, S./ Werner, A. (2022): Openness to knowledge: does corporate social responsibility mediate the relationship between familiness and absorptive capacity?. Small Bus Econ.
- Stock, C./ Hossinger, S./ Werner, A./ Schell, S. / Soluk, J. (2022): Corporate Social Responsibility as a Driver of Digital Innovation in SMEs:The Mediation Effect of Absorptive Capacity. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, Vol. 14, Nos. 4/5, pp.571–601
Link to the complete list of publications