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Prof. Dr. Andreas Dutzi


University of Siegen, School of Economic Disciplines
Chair of Management, Accounting and Corporate Governance

Unteres Schloß 3
Room: US-A-105
57072 Siegen, Germany

T: +49 271 740-2291

E-mail: andreas.dutzi@uni-siegen.de

During the lecture-free period online meetings are by appointment.  


Andreas Dutzi

Andreas Dutzi joined the School of Economic Disciplines at the University of Siegen in 2011. He is coordinator of the graduate program AAT (Accounting, Auditing & Taxation, M. Sc.), member of the faculty board, and chairs the research institute SUWI. Furthermore, he is responsible for crediting issues for the German Chartered Public Accountant Exam (WP Exam) at the University of Siegen, and chairs the alumni club Siegener Forum e.V. Before, he had been Professor of Accounting and Management of Familiy Firms at the Witten Institute of Family Business (Witten/Herdecke University) and Lecturer at the Institute for Law and Finance (ILF), Frankfurt. Andreas Dutzi studied Business Administration and Chemical Technology at the University of Mannheim and Trinity College Dublin (University of Dublin), Ireland. He earned a Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main. Besides his academic responsibilities he supports entrepreneurs and distressed firms.

He is member of several academic associations, e.g. European Accounting Association (EAA), European Academy of Management (EURAM), Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM), International Corporate Governance Society (ICGS), Schmalenbach Society for the Advancement of Research in Business Economics and Business Practice (SG), and International Association for Accounting, Education & Research (IAAER). He is ad-hoc reviewer for various academic journals, books, and conferences.

His research interests include sustainability reporting, risk governance, special audits, and family firm management. He has published on several accounting and governance issues. Furthermore, he is editor of two book series (1) Sustainability Management, Risk Governance and Communication and (2) Internationale Steuerlehre, Steuerrecht und Wirtschaftsprüfung.

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