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Dr. Sophia Schwoy


Unteres Schloß 3
Room: US-A-107
57072 Siegen, Germany

T: +49 271 740-2717

E-mail: sophia.schwoy@uni-siegen.de


Sophia Schwoy

Mrs. Schwoy has been a research associate 
at the chair of Business Administration in particular Accounting and Corporate Governance at the University of Siegen since April 2018. The Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and Real Estate Economics was awarded to her by the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim. She worked for BLB NRW in several departements including Accounting and Controlling. Mrs. Schwoy obtained her Master of Science in Accounting, Auditing and Taxation at the University of Siegen in September 2015. She started her professional career as a consultant in the audit department at PricewaterhousCoopers GmbH in Düsseldof. She worked in the service line Risk & Regulation with focus on trading activities of financial institutions.   

Interest and reseach priorities

Accounting and Reporting

  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Environmental accounting
  • Sustainability Reporting
  • Risk Governance

Corporate Governance and others

  • Sustainability Reporting
  • Greenwashing
  • Risk Governance


  • Siegener Forum Rechnungslegung, Prüfungswesen und Steuerlehre e. V. 


Sophia Schwoy / Andreas Dutzi / Maarten Corten / Tensie Steijvers (2023). Staging or real commitment? CEO reputation management as a moderator of the influence of firm size on corporate social responsibility performance and controversies, Journal of Cleaner Produchtion 410, 137325. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137325.    

Sophia Schwoy / Andreas Dutzi (2021). Materiality analysis as the basis for sustainability strategies and reporting - A systemic review of approaches and recommendations for practice, in: Markovic S., Sancha C., Lindgreen A. (eds) Handbook of Sustainabilty-Driven Business Strategies in Practice, 2021, Edward Elgar Publishing, Celtenham, UK.

Andreas Dutzi / Sophia Schwoy (2021). Nutzung bilanzpolitischer Spielräume im Rahmen der Verschmelzungsbilanzierung, in Antonakopoulos N., Engel B., Gille M. (eds) Unternehmenskauf und Unternehmensumwandlung, 2021, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.

Dr. Nils Nieheus / Prof. Dr. Andreas Dutzi / Sophia Schwoy (2018). Aussagekraft der CO2-Berichterstattung als Element der nichtfinanziellen Erklärung, Der Konzern, 16. Jg. 2018, S. 296-304.  

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