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Thesis Supervision

If you are interested in writing your thesis (English or German) with us, please send the following documents to accounting@uni-siegen.de:
The completed form Application for thesis supervision, an exposé and a current transcript of records.     

The exposé should be approx. 2 pages long and refer to a specific topic selected from the list published on the chair´s homepage. The exposé must clearly reflect the relevance of the topic along with the research questions(s) and respective methodological approach. Proposals of own topics with a convincing exposé are welcome. The list of topics will be updated at the beginning of every Summer and Winter Term.

Please keep in mind, that there are no formal application deadlines. The respective supervisions are allocated on an ongoing basis. However, we need your application
at least two weeks previous to the intended starting date. From the day of application, the chair will make a decision as soon as possible.

Guidelines for Thesis Submission - English
Guidelines for Thesis Submission - German
Application for Thesis Submission



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