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Jüngste Vorträge und Podiumsteilnahmen (Auswahl; ohne wissenschaftliche Konferenzen und Seminare)


  • Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 20. Juli 2024: "Die ökologische Krise als soziale Frage?"
  • FORUM Siegen, 20. Juni 2024: "Soziale Mobilität, Chancengleichheit und individuelle Freiheit"  
  • Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, 14. Mai 2024: "Die kapitalistische Wirtschaft: Teil der Lösung oder Teil des Problems?", Ringvorlesung Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Goethe Teaches Sustainability
  • Freie Universität Berlin, 15.01.2024: "Entwicklungsökonomik", Ringvorlesung Paradigmen & Kontroversen ökonomischer Theorien der Kriwis Berlin
  • Universität Regensburg, 26.09.2023: Teilnahme am ECONWATCH-Panel auf der VfS-Jahrestagung zum Thema "Growth, sustainability and social peace: how to set the course for a renewal of the social market economy?"
  • Leuphana-Universität Lüneburg, 22.06.2023: "Is there an inequality crisis in Europe?", Ringvorlesung How to crisis der Hochschulegruppe Möve Lüneburg 
  • Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 3. Dezember 2019: "Wo bleibt der Streit um die Volkswirtschaftslehre?", Ringvorlesung Studium Generale.

Research workshop "Decolonizing Development Economics"

How can and should scientific research on so-called developing countries and development processes look in a post-colonial world? What role do historical path dependencies play in the real world and in our thinking? And what does decolonization mean for companies and foundations operating in the Global South?

For two days, 12 keynote lectures provided the basis for discussons among over 20 researchers and practitioners from Brazil, India, South Africa, Uganda, Botwana, Namibia, and Germany. The diverse and different regional perspectives once again made it clear that the colonial heritage varies significantly between countries and continents regarding economic structures, geopolitical embedding, and discourses on the meaning of independence and decoloniality.

In the assessment of the current state of affairs, participants shared the conviction that prevailing economic theories and models are shaped by Eurocentrism and colonial thought patterns. However, they noted that the incentives of the academic system hinder breaking away from these patterns. Competition, the pressure to publish, and the acquisition of third-party funding favor state-of-the-art theories and methods, often historically developed within Western contexts, while the integration of local expertise is hindered. 

The workshop was organized by assistant professor Svenja Flechtner together with Dr. Peter Heller from the Canopus Foundation and Professor Jörg Ankel-Peters from the RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research in Essen. 



Vortragsreihe "Wie retten wir das Klima?" 

Im Wintersemester 2019/20 organisierte die Juniorprofessur Plurale Ökonomik die Vortragsreihe "Wie retten wir das Klima? Eine interdisziplinäre Lösungssuche". Ansprechpartnerin war Ulli Lich. Eine rückblickende Pressemitteilung finden Sie hierVideoaufzeichnungen der meisten Vorträge sind im Videoportal der Uni Siegen zu finden.



Research workshop: "Structural change and technological upgrading in times of globalization: strategies and policies for developing countries"

On 8-10 November 2018, we hosted a workshop on "Structural change and technological upgrading in times of globalization: strategies and policies for developing countries". The workshop was organized jointly with Melike Döver (HTW Berlin), Claudius Gräbner (JKU Linz) and Jakob Hafele (University of Vienna & ZOE.Institute) and enjoyed financial support by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.

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