Zu den inhaltlichen Forschungsschwerpunkten von Svenja Flechtner gehören sozio-ökonomische Ungleichheiten, Fragen der Entwicklungsökonomik, Verhaltensökonomik sowie interdisziplinäre Ansätze in der Ökonomik. Die Juniorprofessur beschäftigt sich außerdem mit Fragen der Wissenschaftstheorie und Praxis Pluraler Ökonomik.
Flechtner, S. & Middelanis, M. (2025): "Income inequality and the trade-off between socio-economic and ecological goals".
Flechtner, S. (2022): "(Why) Do poor households under-save? A review of the behavioural literature".
Flechtner, S. & D'Ippoliti, C. (2023): "Individual-level determinants of field of study choices explain only a minor part of horizontal gender segregation".
Flechtner, S. & Heinrich, T. (2023): "Drivers of youth outsiderness in European labour markets. A comment on Marques and Salavisa (2017) with a note on sufficiency in fsQCA" (link to previous version) (submitted/ under review).
Zusammenfassungen der Arbeitspapiere finden sich hier.
Work in progress
Flechtner, S. & D'Ippoliti, C.: "Can women in STEM close the gender gap?"
Flechtner, S. & Hardeck, I.: "Does business taxation influence wage levels?"
Unterein, D., Flechtner, S. Stephan, M. & Werner, A.: "Introducing the 4-day-week in a medium-size firm: effects on productivity, job satisfaction, and health"
Neu, M. & Flechtner, S.: "Public support of climate protection measures in the district of Siegen-Wittgenstein"
Flechtner, S. & Middelanis, M.: "Inequality and the trade-offs between socio-economic and environmental development"
Faininger, R. und Flechtner, S. (2025, im Erscheinen): "Migrant wealth in Germany", Journal of Economic Inequality. doi: 10.1007/s10888-025-09668-7.
Flechtner, S., Lich, U. & Pelz, S. (2024): "Women's decision-making power, cooking fuel adoption and appliance ownership: Evidence from Rwanda, Nepal and Honduras", Energy Research & Social Science 118: 103780.
Flechtner, S. (2024): "Beyond Fads and Magic Bullets: The Promise of Behavioural Approaches in Development Economics" , Journal of Economic Surveys,
Flechtner, S. & Middelanis, M. (2024): "The Role of the Commodity Price Boom in Shaping Public Social Spending: Evidence from Latin America", World Development 182: 106717. doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2024.106717 | Blog post in English | Blog post in Spanish
Flechtner, S. (2024): "The reproduction of inequalities through educational aspirations: evidence from teenagers in India", Journal of Development Studies 60(1): 46-66. doi: 10.1080/00220388.2023.2273799.
Flechtner, S. & Sánchez-Ancochea, Diego (2022): "Why is knowledge accumulation so hard? Exploring econometric research on the determinants of social policy in Latin America", Latin American Research Review June 2022, doi: 10.1017/lar.2022.21.
Becher, P., Becker, K., Rösch, K., & Seelig, L. (2021): "Ordoliberal White Democracy, Elitism, and the Demos: The Case of Wilhelm Röpke", Democratic Theory 8(2), 70-96.
Flechtner, S. (2021): "Poverty research and its discontents: Review and Discussion of Issues Raised in Dimensions of Poverty. Measurement, Epistemic Injustices and Social Activism, (2020)", Review of Income and Wealth 67(2), 530-544. doi: 10.1111/roiw.12498.
Flechtner, S. (2020): "Winning the fight against global poverty one experiment at a time? The Economics Nobel 2019", ORDO - Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft 70(1): 395-406.
Flechtner, S. & Gräbner, C. (2019): "The heterogeneous relationship between income and inequality: a panel co-integration approach", Economics Bulletin 39(4): 2540-2549.
Decker, S., Elsner, W. & Flechtner, S. (2019, Hrsg.): Principles and Pluralist Approaches in Teaching Economics: Towards a Transformative Science. Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics. London: Routledge.
Flechtner, S. (2019): "Entwicklung und Freiheit - Verhaltens-, sozio- und entwicklungsökonomische Perspektiven", in Hirschbrunn, Katharina, Klüh, Ulrich & Sturn, Richard (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch Normative und Institutionelle Grundfragen der Ökonomik. Band 17: Kapitalismus und Freiheit. Marburg: Metropolis.
Decker, S., Elsner, W. & Flechtner, S. (2018, Hrsg.): Advancing Pluralism in Teaching Economics: International Perspectives on a Textbook Science.Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics. London: Routledge.
Flechtner, S. (2017): "Should aspirations be a matter of policy concern?", Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 18(4): 517-530, doi: 10.1080/19452829.2017.1364224.
Flechtner, S. (2017): "Individuelle Zielsetzungen - Ein Ansatzpunkt zur Bekämpfung von Armut und Ungleichheiten?", Der Öffentliche Sektor - The Public Sector 43(2): 49-53.
Flechtner, S. (2017): "Growth Miracle or Endangered Development? Vested Interests, Policy-Making, and Economic Development in the Dominican Republic", Journal of Economic Issues 51(2): 323-331.
Flechtner, S. (2017): "Inequality, (unmet) aspirations and social protest", in H. Hanappi & S. Katsikides (eds), Evolutionary Political Economy in Action. A Cyprus Symposium, Part 1: Political Economy in Action: 109-123. Abingdon/ New York: Routledge.
Flechtner, S. (2017): "Desigualdad y desenvolvimiento económico en la República Dominicana - Un análisis desde la perspectiva de la economía política", in A. Klump and C. Felbeck (eds), Dominicanidad: Perspectivas de un concepto transnacional: 169-203. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Flechtner, S. (2016): Aspirations and the persistence of poverty and inequalities. Dissertation, Europa-Universität Flensburg.
Flechtner, S. & Panther, S. (2016): "Economic inequality, political power and political decision-making: the case of the 'middle-income trap'", in S. Fadda & P. Tridico (eds), Varieties of Economic Inequality: 72-94. Abingdon/ New York: Routledge.
Flechtner, S. (2014): "Aspiration Traps: When Poverty Stifles Hope", World Bank Inequality in Focus, 3(1), January 2014.