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Papers in Journals and Books

  • A characterization of absolute retracts of n-chromatic graphs. Discrete Mathematics 57 (1985), 99-104, (with W. Poguntke).
  • Minimal extensions of graphs to absolute retracts. Journal of Graph Theory 11 (1987), 585-598.
  • Products of absolute retracts. Discrete Mathematics 69 (1988), 179-188.
  • A Radon theorem for Helly graphs. Archiv Math. 52 (1989), 95-98, (with H.-J. Bandelt).
  • Dismantling absolute retracts of reflexive graphs. European Journal of Combinatorics 10 (1989), 211-220, (with H.-J. Bandelt).
  • Efficient characterizations of n-chromatic absolute retracts. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B 53 (1991), 5-31, (with H.-J. Bandelt).
  • Genetic local search algorithms for the traveling salesman problem. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 496 (1991), 109-116, (with E.H.L. Aarts, H.-J. Bandelt, P.J.M. van Laarhoven and N.L.J. Ulder).
  • Batch scheduling on parallel units in acrylic-glass production. ZOR - Zeitschrift Operations Research 35 (today MMOR) 35 (1991), 321-345, (with H. Friedrich, J. Keßler and B. Schildt).
  • Competitive location on a network. European Journal of Operational Research 66 (1993), 372-391, (with A. Bauer and W. Domschke).
  • Genetic local search in combinatorial optimization. Discrete Applied Mathematics 48 (1994), 273-284, (with A. Kolen).
  • Fast clustering algorithms. ORSA Journal on Computing 6 (1994), 141-153, (with U. Dorndorf).
  • Einlastungsstrategien in der Werkstattfertigung, (H. Isermann, ed.). Logistik, Verlag Moderne Industrie (1994), 281-295.
  • Modellbasierte Inferenz in CHARME. OR Spektrum 16 (1994), 193-202, (with A. Drexl and A. Kolen).
  • Evolution based learning in a job shop scheduling environment. Computers & Operations Research 22 (1995), 25-40, (with U. Dorndorf).
  • Local search in combinatorial optimization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 931 (1995), 157-174, (with Y. Crama and A. Kolen).
  • Strategies with memories: local search in an application-oriented environment. OR Spektrum 17 (1995), 55-66, (with S. Voß).
  • Zur Bedeutung der Modellbildung für die Entwicklung wissensbasierter Systeme. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 65 (1995), 1135-1153, (with A. Drexl and F. Salewski).
  • Auftragsterminierung für die taktisch-operative Personaleinsatzplanung in Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 66 (1996), 327-351, (with T. Bartsch and F. Salewski).
  • Constraint propagation based scheduling of job shops. INFORMS Journal on Computing 8 (1996), 144-157, (with U. Tetzlaff).
  • The job shop scheduling problem: Conventional and new solution techniques. European Journal of Operational Research 93 (1996), 1-33, (with J. Blazewicz and W. Domschke).
  • TSP ejection chains. Discrete Applied Mathematics 76 (1997), 165-181, (with F. Glover).
  • A branch and bound algorithm for the job shop scheduling problem, (A. Drexl and A. Kimms, eds.). Beyond Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II), Springer Verlag, Berlin (1998), 219-254, (with J. Blazewicz and M. Sterna).
  • Einlastungsstrategien in der Werkstattfertigung, (H. Isermann, ed.).Logistik, 2. Aufl., Verlag Moderne Industrie (1998), 353-367.
  • Lokale Suchverfahren zur Projektplanung bei beschränkten Ressourcen. Künstliche Intelligenz 4/98 (1998), 25-32, (with U. Dorndorf, A. Drexl and T. Phan Huy).
  • Resource-constrained project scheduling: notation, classification, models, and methods. European Journal of Operational Research 112 (1999), 3-41, (with P. Brucker, A. Drexl, R. Möhring and K. Neumann).
  • Efficient facility layout planning in a maximally planar graph model. International Journal of Production Research 37 (1999), 263-283, (with F. Glover, T. Bartsch, F. Salewski and I. Osman).
  • A note on disjunctive graph representation. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences 47 (1999), 103-114, (with J. Blazewicz and M. Sterna).
  • Optimal workload allocation between a job shop and a flexible manufacturing system. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 15 (1999), 20-32, (with U. Tetzlaff).
  • Lower bounds in different problem classes of project schedules with resource constraints, (J. Weglarz, ed.). Project Scheduling - Recent Models, Algorithms and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publ. (1999), 53-76.
  • A survey of interval capacity consistency tests for Time- and Resource Constrained Scheduling, (J. Weglarz, ed.). Project Scheduling - Recent Models, Algorithms and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publ. (1999), 213-238, (with U. Dorndorf and T. Phan Huy).
  • Finanzinnovationen und Debt-Equity-Swaps. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis 6/99 (1999), 671-682, (with J. Hiltrop).
  • Ansatz für eine neue rechnergestützte Personaleinsatzplanung bei Feuerwehren. Brandschutz Deutsche Feuerwehr-Zeitung 53 (1999), 955-960, (with T. Beier and R. Schmiedel).
  • The disjunctive graph machine representation of the job shop scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research 127 (2000), 317-331 (with J. Blazewicz and M. Sterna).
  • Constraint propagation techniques for disjunctive scheduling problems. Artificial Intelligence 122 (2000), 189-240, (with U. Dorndorf and T. Phan Huy).
  • A branch and bound algorithm for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. ZOR-Mathematical Methods in Operations Research 52 (2000), 413-439, (with U. Dorndorf and T. Phan Huy).
  • Einige grundlegende Fragen zu Finanzinnovationen - Finanzinnovationen im Rahmen der Innovationstheorie. WISU - Das Wirtschaftsstudium 11/00 (2000), 1480-1483, (with J. Hiltrop).
  • A time-oriented branch-and-bound algorithm for resource constrained project scheduling with generalised precedence constraints. Management Science 46 (2000), 1365-1384, (with U. Dorndorf and T. Phan Huy).
  • Solving the open shop scheduling problem. Journal of Scheduling 4 (2001), 157-174, (with U. Dorndorf and T. Phan Huy).
  • Constraint propagation and problem decomposition: A preprocessing procedure for the job shop problem. Annals of Operations Research 115 (2002), 125-145, (with U. Dorndorf and T. Phan Huy).
  • Machine learning by schedule decomposition - Prospects for an integration of AI and OR techniques for job shop scheduling, (A. Ghosh, S. Tsutsui, eds.). Advances in Evolutionary Computation, Springer (2003), 773-798, (with U. Dorndorf and T. Phan Huy).
  • Data Warehouses, (J. Blazewicz, W. Kubiak, T. Morzy, M. Rusinkiewicz, eds.). Handbook on Data Management in Information Systems, Springer (2003), 387-430 (with U. Dorndorf).
  • Open shop scheduling problems with late work criteria. Discrete Applied Mathematics 134 (2004), 1-24, (with J. Blazewicz, M. Sterna and F. Werner).
  • Flow shop scheduling with late work criterion - choosing the best solution strategy. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3285 (2004), 68-75, (with J. Blazewicz, M. Sterna and F. Werner).
  • A novel representation of graph structures in web mining and data analysis. Omega, The International Journal of Management Science 33 (2005), 65-71, (with J. Blazewicz and M. Sterna).
  • Logistics: From Theory to Application. European Journal of Operational Research 162 (2005), 1-3, (with S. Martello).
  • A review of exact solution methods for the non-preemptive multiprocessor flow shop problem. European Journal of Operational Research 164 (2005), 592-608, (with T. Kis).
  • The two-machine flow-shop problem with weighted late work criterion and common due date. European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005), 408-415, (with J. Blazewicz, M. Sterna and F. Werner).
  • Metaheuristics for late work minimization in two‑machine flow shops with common due date. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 3698 (2005), 222-234, (with J. Blazewicz, M. Sterna and F. Werner).
  • Scheduling personnel for press machines in the automotive industry. Pacific Journal on Optimization 1 (2005), 545-564, (with U. Tetzlaff).
  • A comparison of solution procedures for the flow shop scheduling with late work criterion. Computers & Industrial Engineering 49 (2005), 611-624, (with J. Blazewicz, M. Sterna and F. Werner).
  • An FPTAS for a single-item capacitated economic lot-sizing problem with monotone cost structure. Mathematical Programming 106 (2006), 453-466, (with S. Chubanov and M. Kovalyov).
  • A note on the two-machine job shop with the weighted late work criterion. Journal of Scheduling 10 (2007), 87-95, (with J. Blazewicz, M. Sterna and F. Werner).
  • Flight gate scheduling: state-of-the-art and recent developments. Omega - The International Journal of Management Science 35 (2007), 326-334, (with U. Dorndorf, A. Drexl and Y. Nikulin).
  • Disruption management in flight gate scheduling. Statistica Neerlandica 61 (2007), 92-114, (with U. Dorndorf, F. Jaehn, C. Lin and H. Ma).
  • Metaheuristic approaches for two-machine flow-shop problems with weighted late work criterion and common due date, Computers & Operations Research 35 (2008), 574-599, (with J. Blazewicz, M. Sterna and F. Werner).
  • A single-item economic lotsizing problem with a non-uniform resource: approximation. European Journal of Operational Research 189 (2008), 877-889, (with S. Chubanov and M. Kovalyov).
  • Modelling robust flight-gate scheduling as a clique partitioning problem. Transportation Science 42 (2008), 292-301, (with U. Dorndorf and F. Jaehn).
  • Lernen, Constraint Propagation und Sudokus, WISU-Das Wirtschaftsstudium 8-9/08 (2008), 1186-1193, (with T. Phan Huy).
  • Analysis, modelling and solution of the concrete delivery problem. European Journal of Operational Research 193 (2009), 820-835, (with L. Asbach and U. Dorndorf).
  • Recursive functions on the plane and FPTASs for production planning and scheduling problems with two facilities. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (MMOR) 70 (2009), 313-335, (with S. Chubanov).
  • Late work minimization in flow shops by a genetic algorithm, Computers & Industrial Engineering 57 (2009), 1202-1209, (with M. Sterna).
  • A generic approach to proving NP-hardness of partition type problems, Discrete Applied Mathematics 158 (2010), 1908-1912, (with M.Y. Kovalyov).
  • Scheduling freight trains in rail-rail transshipment yards. Transportation Science 45 (2011), 199-211, (with N. Boysen and F. Jaehn).
  • An efficient implementation of DNA alignment algorithms with backtracking routine on multiple GPUs. BMC Bioinformatics 12:181 (2011), 1-17, (with J. Blazewicz, W. Frohmberg, M. Kierzynka and P. Wojciechowski).
  • Sequential competitive location on networks, European Journal of Operational Research (2012), 483-499, (with D. Kress).
  • Operations Research in Health Care, European Journal of Operational Research 219 (2012), 489-490, (with G. Woeginger).
  • Shunting yard operations: Theoretical aspects and applications, European Journal of Operational Research 220 (2012), 1-14, (with N. Boysen, M. Fliedner and F. Jaehn).
  • Flight gate scheduling with respect to a reference schedule, Annals of Operations Research 194 (2012), 177-187, (with U. Dorndorf and F. Jaehn).
  • New bounds and algorithms for the Transshipment Yard Scheduling Problem, Journal of Scheduling 15 (2012), 499–511, (with N. Boysen and F. Jaehn).
  • (r|p)-centroid problems on networks with vertex and edge demand, Computers and Operations Research 39 (2012), 2954-2967, (with D. Kress).
  • An FPTAS for the single-item capacitated economic lot-sizing problem with supply and demand, Operations Research Letters 40 (2012), 446-449, (with S. Chubanov).
  • Voting location under proportional choice: 1-suboptimal points on networks, Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services 6 (2012), 53-64, (with D. Kreß).
  • Parallel machine scheduling and common due window assignment with job independent earliness and tardiness costs, Information Science 224 (2013), 109-117, (with A. Janiak, W. Janiak, M. Kovalyov and E. Kozan).
  • Exact algorithms for inventory constrained scheduling on a single machine, Journal of Scheduling 16 (2013), 105-115, (with D. Briskorn and F. Jaehn).
  • A survey on container processing in railway yards, Transportation Science 47 (2013), 312-329, (with N. Boysen, M. Fliedner and F. Jaehn).
  • A Lagrangian lower bound for the container transshipment problem at a railway hub for a fast branch-and-bound algorithm, Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS) 64 (2013), 1614-1621, (with M. Barketau and H. Kopfer).
  • New bounds and constraint propagation techniques for the clique partitioning problem, Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (2013), 2025-203, (with F. Jaehn).
  • Truck scheduling problem in intermodal container transportation, European Journal of Operational Research 230 (2013), 666-680, (with J. Nossack).
  • MLP accompanied beam search for the resonance assignment problem, Journal of Heuristics 19 (2013), 443-464, (with J. Blazewicz, E.K. Burke, M. Malaczynski und M. Szachniuk).
  • Variable very large neighborhood algorithms for truck sequencing at transshipment terminals, International Journal of Production Research 51 (2013), 7140–7155, (with D. Briskorn).
  • A branch-and-bound algorithm for the acyclic partitioning problem, Computers & Operations Research 41 (2014), 174 -184, (with J. Nossack).
  • Minimizing setup costs in a transfer line design problem with sequential operation processing, International Journal of Production Economics 151 (2014), 186-194, (with A. Dolgui, S. Kovalev, M. Kovalyov und J. Nossack).
  • A game mechanism for single machine sequencing with zero risk, Omega - The Int. Journal of Management Science 44 (2014), 104-110, (with M. Kovalyov).
  • An O(n log n) algorithm for a single-item capacitated lot-sizing problem with linear costs, International Journal of Production Research 52 (2014), 3758-3761, (with M. Kovalyov).
  • Multi-product batching and scheduling on a single facility with buffered rework: Application in a car paint shop, Naval Research Logistics 61 (2014), 458–471, (with F. Jaehn, S. Kovalev, M.Y. Kovalyov).
  • Mathematical formulations for a 1-full-truckload pickup-and-delivery problem, European Journal of Operational Research 242 (2015), 1008-1016, (with M. Gendreau, J. Nossack).
  • New Perspectives in Scheduling Theory, Journal of Scheduling 18 (2015), 333-334, (with J. Blazewicz, D. Trystram, G. Zhang).
  • The partitioning Min-Max weighted matching problem, European Journal of Operational Research 247 (2015), 745-754, (with D. Kress, S. Meiswinkel).
  • Minimizing maximum weight of subsets of a maximum matching in a bipartite graph, Discrete Applied Mathematics 196 (2015), 4-19, (with M. Barketau, Y. Shafransky).
  • Approximate solution of a profit maximization constrained virtual business planning problem, Omega - The Int. Journal of Management Science 57 (2015), 212-216, (with S. Kovalev, A. Dolgui).
  • Approximation algorithms for inventory constrained scheduling on a single machine, Journal of Scheduling 18 (2015), 645-653, (with E. Morsy).
  • New Challenges in Scheduling Theory, RAIRO-Operations Research 49 (2015), 335-337, (with J. Błażewicz, C. Phillips, D. Trystram and G. Zhang).
  • Scheduling dedicated jobs with variative processing times, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 31 (2016), 774-785, (with M. Barketau, Y. Shafransky).
  • Competitive location and pricing on networks with random utilities, Networks and Spatial Economics 16 (2016), 837-863, (with D. Kress).
  • An approximation algorithm for a special case of the asymmetric traveling salesman problem, International Journal of Production Research 54 (2016), 4205-4212, (with M. Barketau).
  • Good laboratory practice for optimization research, Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS) 67 (2016), 676-689, (with J. Blazewicz, R. Bai, P. de Causemaecker, M. Gendreau, R. John, G. Kendall, J. Li, B. McCollum, R. Qu, N. Sabar, G. Vanden Berghe and A. Yee).
  • An integrated model for the transshipment yard scheduling problem, Journal of Scheduling 20 (2017), 57-65, (with J. Blazewicz, M. Cichenski, F. Jaehn, G. Pawlak and G. Singh).
  • Two-way bounded dynamic programming approach for operations planning in transshipment yards, Transportation Science 51 (2017), 325-342, (with X. Li and A. Otto).
  • Flight gate assignment and recovery strategies with stochastic arrival and departure times, OR Spectrum 39 (2017), 65-93,  (with U. Dorndorf and F. Jaehn).
  • The windy rural postman problem with a time-dependent zigzag option, European Journal of Operational Research 258 (2017), 1131-1142, (with B. Golden, J. Nossack and R. Zhang).
  • Which items should be stored together? A basic partition problem to assign storage space in group-based storage systems, IISE Transactions 49 (2017), 13-30, (with N. Boysen and D. Kress).
  • Operation of shunting yards: Train-to-yard assignment problem, Journal of Business Economics (ZfB) 87 (2017), 465-486, (with A. Otto).
  • Prerequisites of empty container supply chains modelling, Engineering Management in Production and Services 9 (2017), 28 - 36 (with K.A. Kuzmicz).
  • Routing problems with time dependencies or how different are trash collection or newspaper delivery from street sweeping or winter gritting? Procedia Engineering 182 ( 2017 ), 235-240, (with B. Golden, J. Nossack and R. Zhang).
  • Incentive compatible mechanisms for machine scheduling problems with job agents, Discrete Applied Mathematics 242 (2018), 89-101 (with D. Kress and S. Meiswinkel).
  • A note on scheduling container storage operations of two non-passing stacking cranes, Networks 71 (2018), 271-280 (with M.Y. Kovalyov and A. Ryzhikov).
  • An overview of revenue management and dynamic pricing models in hotel business, RAIRO - Operations Research 52 (2018), 119-141 (with A. Bandalouski, M. Kovalyov and S. Tarim).
  • Future trends in management and operation of assembly systems: From customized assembly systems to cyber-physical systems, Omega - The Int. Journal of Management Science 78 (2018), 1-4 (with O. Battaia, A. Otto, F. Sgarbossa).
  • A mechanism design approach to planning problems in intermodal transport logistics of large city sea ports and megahubs, (H. Albach, H. Meffert, A. Pinkwart, R. Reichwald, L. Swiatczak, Eds.) European cities in dynamic competition: theory and case studies on urban governance, strategy, cooperation and competitiveness, Springer, (2018), 215-229 (with D. Kress, S. Meiswinkel and J. Nossack).
  • Optimization approaches for civil applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones: A survey, Networks 71 (2018), 411-458 (with A. Otto, N. Agatz, J. Campbell, B. Golden).
  • Mechanism design for machine scheduling problems, OR Spectrum 40 (2018), 583-611 (with D. Kress and S. Meiswinkel).
  • Fast Truck-Packing of 3D boxes, Engineering Management in Production and Services 10 (2018), 29-40 (with J. Jozefowska, G. Pawlak, M. Morze, D. Kowalski).
  • Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems: New Trends and Perspectives, International Journal of Production Research 56 (2018), 6333-6335 (with A. Allahverdi, M. Pinedo, F. Werner).
  • NewChallenges in Scheduling Theory, Journal of Scheduling 21 (2018), 581-582 (with J. Błażewicz, B. Moseley, D. Trystram and G. Zhang).
  • Single-machine batch scheduling to minimize the total setup cost in the presence of deadlines, Journal of Scheduling 21 (2018), 595-606  (with M. Barketau and D. Kress).
  • Container dispatching and conflict-free yard crane routing in an automated container terminal, Transportation Science 52 (2018), 1059-1076 (with D. Briskorn and J. Nossack).
  • Clarification of lower bounds of two-machine flow-shop scheduling to minimize total late work, Engineering Optimization 51, (2019), 1279-1280 (with J. Blazewicz, X. Chen, R.C.T. Lee, B.M.T. Lin, F.-C. Lin, M. Sterna, Z. Wang).
  • A parallel machine schedule updating game with compensations and zero risk, Computers & Operations Research 103 (2019), 148-157 (with M.Y. Kovalyov, D. Kress and S. Meiswinkel).
  • Approaches to empty container repositioning problems in the context of Eurasian intermodal transportation, Omega - The Int. Journal of Management Science 85 (2019), 194-213 (with K.A. Kuzmicz).
  • Two-machine flow-shop scheduling to minimize total late work: Revisited, Engineering Optimization 51 (2019), 1268-1278 (with X. Chen, Z. Wang, M. Sterna, J. Blazewicz).
  • Solving the single crane scheduling problem at rail transshipment yards, Discrete Applied Mathematics 264 (2019), 134-147 (with X. Li and A. Otto).
  • The train-to-yard assignment problem, OR Spectrum 41 (2019), 549-580 (with A. Otto).
  • Straddle carrier routing at seaport container terminals in the presence of short term quay crane buffer areas, European Journal of Operational Research 279 (2019), 732-750 (with D. Kress and S. Meiswinkel).
  • Non-approximability of the single crane container transshipment problem, International Journal of Production Research 58 (2020), 3965-3975 (with K. Kuzmicz).
  • Hybrid adaptive large neighbourhood search algorithm for the Mixed Fleet Heterogeneous Dial-a-Ride problem, Journal of Heuristics 26 (2020), 83-118 (with M. A. Masmoudi, M. Hosny and E. Demir)
  • Minimizing maximum cost for a single machine under uncertainty of processing times, European Journal of Operational Research 286 (2020), 444-457 (with I. Fridman and Y. Shafransky)
  • Fixed interval scheduling with third-party machines, Networks 77 (2021), 361-371 (with I. Fridman, M. Y. Kovalyov and A. Ryzhikov) DOI:10.1002/net.21973
  • Provision-after-wait with preferences ordered by difference: Tighter complexity and better FPTAS, European Journal of Operational Research 289 (2021), 1008-1012 (with M.Y. Kovalyov, A. Quilliot).
Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche