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Online survey on services in the ProTraFo project
As part of the ProTraFo project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, an online survey is being conducted on the topic of services. We invite all entrepreneurs in the service sector to participate in the survey.
New topics for thesis projects
+++ Our department is offering a variety of new topics for thesis projects +++
Our chair members attended EURAM Conference 2023
Giuseppe Strina and Philipp Köhn participated in the European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) 2023 at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Our chair members attended IFERA Conference 2023
Giuseppe Strina, Katharina Fiebig, and Philipp Köhn participated in International Family Enterprise Research Academy Conference (IFERA) 2023 at Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
Paper Presentation at the Academy of Management Conference 2023, Boston
Julian Ruf participated in the Academy of Management Conference (AOM), in Boston, USA.
Siegener Zeitung reports on the Start-up Hour REVERSE
The Siegener Zeitung published an article about the start-up Hour REVERSE, which took place at the House of Innovations on September 27, 2022.
A new podcast on the topic of digitalization in craftsmanship is online
The Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum für ländliche Regionen recently released a new podcast titled "Innovative and Connected – Craftsmanship on its way into the digital age." Give it a listen...
Dr. Philipp Julian Ruf received Dirlmeier Foundation "Förderpreis"
Dirlmeier Foundation awards "Förderpreis" to Dr. Philipp Julian Ruf for outstanding dissertation achievement!
Philipp Köhn received Promotion Award for Young Scientists 2023
"Philipp Köhn received the Promotion Award for Young Scientists 2023 from the University of Siegen for his publication "Why are non-family employees intrapreneurially active in family firms? A multiple case study"
Stellenausschreibung: Peter Bohl GmbH sucht Systemadministrator
Job Advertisement: Peter Bohl GmbH is seeking a System Administrator
Our chair members attended the STEP Project Global Consortium Summit 2024
Giuseppe Strina, and Philipp Köhn participated in STEP Project Global Consortium Summit 2024 in Vietri sul Mare (Salerno), Italy.
A position for a student assistant in the FUSION: project is available at our chair
The Chair of Service Development in SMEs and Crafts of Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Strina, is looking for a student assistant (SHK or WHB) for the FUSION: project. The vacant position is to be filled on the 15th of July 2024.
„uih! Pop-up-Labor“ in Lörrach opens its gates
Innovative technologies for retail, gastronomy, and the leisure industry can be experienced at the Innovation Lab in Innocel Lörrach.
New publication in the Journal of Family Business Strategy
We are happy to announce that our paper 'Measuring family influence from the non-family employee perspective: The perceived family influence scale (PFIS)' has been published in the Journal of Family Business Strategy.
OMNIVERSE Africa 2025 in Lagos, Nigeria
The Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GiZ) GmbH has invited Dr. Philipp Köhn to participate in the OMNIVERSE Africa 2025, taking place in Lagos, Nigeria, from February 24 to 28, 2025.
On these pages, we offer chair related contents for downloading.
Media presence
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Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
Online survey on services in the ProTraFo project
As part of the ProTraFo project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, an online survey is being conducted on the topic of services. We invite all entrepreneurs in the service sector to participate in the survey.
New topics for thesis projects
+++ Our department is offering a variety of new topics for thesis projects +++
Our chair members attended EURAM Conference 2023
Giuseppe Strina and Philipp Köhn participated in the European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) 2023 at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Our chair members attended IFERA Conference 2023
Giuseppe Strina, Katharina Fiebig, and Philipp Köhn participated in International Family Enterprise Research Academy Conference (IFERA) 2023 at Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
Paper Presentation at the Academy of Management Conference 2023, Boston
Julian Ruf participated in the Academy of Management Conference (AOM), in Boston, USA.
Siegener Zeitung reports on the Start-up Hour REVERSE
The Siegener Zeitung published an article about the start-up Hour REVERSE, which took place at the House of Innovations on September 27, 2022.
A new podcast on the topic of digitalization in craftsmanship is online
The Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum für ländliche Regionen recently released a new podcast titled "Innovative and Connected – Craftsmanship on its way into the digital age." Give it a listen...
Dr. Philipp Julian Ruf received Dirlmeier Foundation "Förderpreis"
Dirlmeier Foundation awards "Förderpreis" to Dr. Philipp Julian Ruf for outstanding dissertation achievement!
Philipp Köhn received Promotion Award for Young Scientists 2023
"Philipp Köhn received the Promotion Award for Young Scientists 2023 from the University of Siegen for his publication "Why are non-family employees intrapreneurially active in family firms? A multiple case study"
Stellenausschreibung: Peter Bohl GmbH sucht Systemadministrator
Job Advertisement: Peter Bohl GmbH is seeking a System Administrator
Our chair members attended the STEP Project Global Consortium Summit 2024
Giuseppe Strina, and Philipp Köhn participated in STEP Project Global Consortium Summit 2024 in Vietri sul Mare (Salerno), Italy.
A position for a student assistant in the FUSION: project is available at our chair
The Chair of Service Development in SMEs and Crafts of Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Strina, is looking for a student assistant (SHK or WHB) for the FUSION: project. The vacant position is to be filled on the 15th of July 2024.
„uih! Pop-up-Labor“ in Lörrach opens its gates
Innovative technologies for retail, gastronomy, and the leisure industry can be experienced at the Innovation Lab in Innocel Lörrach.
New publication in the Journal of Family Business Strategy
We are happy to announce that our paper 'Measuring family influence from the non-family employee perspective: The perceived family influence scale (PFIS)' has been published in the Journal of Family Business Strategy.
OMNIVERSE Africa 2025 in Lagos, Nigeria
The Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GiZ) GmbH has invited Dr. Philipp Köhn to participate in the OMNIVERSE Africa 2025, taking place in Lagos, Nigeria, from February 24 to 28, 2025.
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