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Frequently Asked Questions

About MEPS

Are there any partnerships with other Universities?
The University of Siegen has numerous partnerships with foreign universities (list of partnerships).
Can I complete a semester of study abroad?
You may spend a semester at one of our partner universities (even though there is no mandatory semester of study abroad). For further information please refer to the faculty’s page on studying abroad. Please note that you have to write your master thesis at the University of Siegen. Up to 60 ECTS from your semester abroad can be recognized.
Does the MEPS program have a part-time study program?
Unfortunately, part-time study is not possible due to the course structure.
Is the MEPS program practice-oriented?
We have designed the program to provide students with the practical and theoretical knowledge they need for interesting positions in the private sector, e.g. in (economic) consultancies or banks, and in public institutions. At the same time, the MEPS-Program can also serve as a starting point for an academic career.
Can I choose any professor as supervisor of my Master’s thesis?

Primarily, it is advisable to only contact a professor whose field course(s) you took and passed with a good or very good grade. This is particularly true for reserach modules. So while developing a rough idea of your topic of interest during your studies, it is highly recommended to select a related research module if available. However, in theory, you may contact any professor of the department and ask about the possibility of supervising your thesis.

Before contacting a professor, however, you should check her/his chair's website to see whether there is a particular procedure to follow.

If you have a topic in mind that you would like to write your thesis about, you can briefly describe it in the email. You should contact a professor who is an expert in the field of the topic you are interested in. It is advisable, though, to be open to topics suggested by the professor.

How long does it take to write the Master Thesis?
You have to write your thesis within 12 weeks.


Who can apply? What qualifications do I need?

I have not majored in economics. Can I still apply?
While most MEPS students hold a degree in economics, we also encourage students from related disciplines (business, mathematics, political science and the like) to apply. In your application, please point out all math, statistics and economics courses.
I have majored in economics, but without a strong quantitative focus. Can I still successfully conclude the MEPS program?
Yes. The MEPS-Program introduces students to advanced empirical and mathematical methods and concepts. In the first semester we introduce students to basic concepts helping students. You should however show interest in quantitative methods and be willing to catch up.
How good do my English skills have to be at the beginning of the program?
The admission requirements set certain minimum standards in terms of TOEFL/IELTS scores. More importantly, you must be willing and able to express yourself in English so that you can participate in discussions and be able to present in English. We encourage you to already start reading newspapers and books in English.


Application process

Do I need to send any documents for my MEPS application by regular post?
Electronic copies of the required documents are sufficient for the application process. Please send all required documents by e-mail to meps@uni-siegen.de. You can find out how to submit the individual documents on our application information page. If your application is successful, you will receive an email with a list of documents that you must submit as originals or certified copies.
When is the deadline for applications?
Every year, the application deadline is July 15.
How will I be notified whether or not I have been accepted?
Successful applicants will receive an acceptance letter via email and on request also via regular post.



Where can I pass the TOEFL/IELTS?
You can find information on the TOEFL/IELTS test here.
Is it possible to find accommodation in a student dormitory?
Yes, you can find application forms and further information for accommodation in a student dormitory on the page of the Students Service of the University of Siegen (Studentenwerk).
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