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Forschungskolloquium Volkswirtschaftslehre Wintersemester 2011/12 

Die Veranstaltungen finden mittwochs 17:00 Uhr bis 18:30 Uhr im Raum H-C 7325 statt.

Alle Interessenten sind herzlich eingeladen.

26.10.2011  Niklas Potrafke Universität Konstanz The size and scope of government in the US states: Does political ideology matter?
 Cees Withagen
VU University Amsterdam
 Growth and the optimal carbon tax: When to switch from exhaustible resources to renewables?
 Volker Nitsch
TU Darmstadt
 National Representation in Multinational Institutions: The Case of the European Central Bank

Christian Bjørnskov Aarhus University

 Are Debt Repayment Incentives Undermined by Foreign Aid?
 Pierre-Guillaume Meon
Université Libre de Bruxelles 
 An FDI is an FDI is an FDI? The growth effects of greenfield investment and mergers and acquisitions in developing countries
 Ivo Bischoff
Universität Kassel  
 Motives of pro-social behavior in collective decisions - an experimental investigation

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