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Ekkehard Köhler und Marius May präsentieren ein gemeinsames Projekt auf der 2023 SPSA Summer Virtual Conference der Southern Political Science Association (SPSA)

Am 15. Juni 2023 präsentierten Ekkehard Köhler und Marius May ihr gemeinsames Paper "Does it make a difference what you ask your candidate: Discrimination against (minority) first-time voters" auf der 2023 SPSA Summer Virtual Conference der Southern Political Science Association (SPSA).

An der Session nahmen einige amerikanische Wissenschaftler:innen aus dem Forschungsgebiet "Wahlpolitik" teil. Die Diskussion sowie die geknüpften Kontakte können für dieses und zukünftige Projekte von großer Bedeutung sein.


This paper studies the effects of being a first-time voter with vs. without a migration background on German federal election candidates' responsiveness to inquiries concerning (i) dual citizenship and (ii) compulsory vaccination for teachers. We find that candidates of the right-populist AfD only discriminate against inquirers with migration backgrounds in the first context. Moreover, answers in favor of dual citizenship are significantly longer towards opponents of dual citizenship compared to supporters. Likewise, replies against compulsory vaccination are significantly longer towards supporters compared to opponents. We therefore find mixed evidence for discrimination against minority voters and evidence for vote maximizing behavior.

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