Center for Economic Education in Siegen
Economic education is a researching and teaching discipline: How can economic competencies be developed, improved, taught, learned and evaluated today? Finding answers to these questions is the main concern of the Center for Economic Education at the University of Siegen (Zentrum für ökonomische Bildung in Siegen - ZöBiS). ZöBiS sees itself as competence center with regards to researching different dimensions of economic education. It is about developing and improving the teachability and learnability of profound economic knowledge at school, in universities and on the job. The center can only fulfill these demands because it is considering itself an explicit research institution of the university. Research about teaching methodologies of individual subjects as well as subject specific research focusing on the educational theoretic perspective are part of the genuine self-conception of ZöBiS. In this sense the center is an internationally oriented research institute.
Central to teaching at ZöBiS is the transfer and conceptual reflection of economic knowledge to students who are aiming to become a teacher at either general schools or vocational training colleges. At the same time ZöBiS is committed to providing further education for teachers as well as to establishing basic economic education in the public.
The Center for economic education at the University of Siegen was founded in March 2009 and is a result of the combination of two fields of work: the professorship for economics held by Professor Dr. Hans Jürgen Schlösser as well as the professorship for economics and their didactics which has been held by Professor Dr. Nils Goldschmidt since March 2013. A board of trustees assists ZöBiS in an advisory capacity.