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International Marketing - Summer Term 2020

Important note: Due to the contact restrictions because of the Corona-Virus spread, the lecture will start online in Moodle (Course: 20 SoSe International Marketing) on Monday April, 20th. You will receive an e-mail with the access key (sent to your student e-mail address “…@student.uni-siegen.de”) before the first lecture.


Online lectures in Moodle

New lecture content on every Monday

First lecture starts on: 20.04.2020

Lecturer Wagner, Gerhard, Dr.

Exercise Case studies and online self-tests in Moodle

Further information about the lecture is available in Unisono.


Both, the lecture "International Marketing" and the written exam at the end of the semester will be in English language.

For the final examination all contents of the lecture (which go beyond the plain script) and the indicated literature hints are relevant.

Lecture materials:

An overview of the structure of the lecture and a list of relevant literature can be downloaded here.

Further lecture materials are available in Moodle (Course: 20 SoSe International Marketing).

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