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Logistics Algorithms Visualization and Education Software Development Kit

The LAVESDK is a Java and Swing based API (application programming interface) to develop plugins for the software LAVES.

The API brings a broad range of functionality to develop tools that aim at supporting non-mathematics and non-informatics students in understanding the basic concepts of algorithms.
By default the LAVESDK provides several didactical methods like step-by-step visualization, animation and interactive teaching by use of an exercise system.

The SDK is mainly designed for OR-related (Operations Research) courses and brings along functionality to visualize algorithm texts (including LaTeX expressions), graph data structures, execution tables, matrices, etc. but it is easily extendable by custom implementations to address the specific needs of a course.


The LAVESDK is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

To get started with LAVESDK please consider the section below!

Getting Started

To get familiar with developing plugins for LAVES, take look at the following How-To article that describes the whole process: How-To develop plugins.pdf.

Download the SDK from above and open your Java development environment. The following description refers to the Eclipse IDE:
  1. Create a new project in your workspace (File -> New -> Java Project)
  2. Extract the LAVESDK zip file and copy one of the SDK JAR files into your previously created project folder
    it is recommended that you use the release version but if you need debug support for the LAVESDK you have to use the debug version
  3. Go back to Eclipse, right-click onto the project root in the Package Explorer and select "Refresh"
  4. Afterwards you have to add the SDK (marked blue) to your Java Build Path by right-clicking onto the JAR file and select Build Path -> Add to Build Path in the pop-up menu
  5. Select the project root, go to the properties (Project -> Properties), update the text file encoding (Resources) from "Inherited from container" to "Other" and choose "UTF-8" from the list
  6. Create your plugin class (File -> New -> Class) and implement the interface AlgorithmPlugin
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