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Holder of Professorship



Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Friederike Welter



Phone - Telefon: 02 71-7 40 35 64

Telefax: 02 71-7 40 42 44         

E-Mail: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Friederike Welter

Room - Raum: US-A-130                                                                                               

Consultation hours: By appointment 

Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung


Twitter: @f_welter 

Academia Europaea



Interview requests:  

If you would like to arrange a timely, personal interview with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Friederike Welter, please send your request via email to the press officer of the IfM Bonn, Dr. Jutta Gröschl: groeschl@ifm-bonn.org  


Wenn Sie ein zeitnahes, persönliches Interview mit Frau Univ.-Prof.in Dr. Friederike Welter führen möchten, senden Sie bitte Ihre Anfrage per Email an die Pressesprecherin des IfM Bonn, Frau Dr. Jutta Gröschl: groeschl@ifm-bonn.org



Friederike Welter holds the Professorship of Business Administration, in particular of SME Management and Entrepreneurship at the University Siegen and she is head of the Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (IfM) in Bonn (Germany), a policy-oriented independent research institute on small business and entrepreneurship issues.
Friederike Welter has broad experiences in applied and policy-related research on entrepreneurship and small business, much of it in an international context. She is a member of several policy-related advisory boards for federal and state ministries and for international bodies in Germany.
She was President of the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (2007-2009). For her work on small business and entrepreneurship, she has been invited to become a member of Academia Europaea in 2021 and has been elected to the prestigious circle of 21st Century Entrepreneurship Research Fellows in 2020 and received the Greif Research Impact Award in 2017. She also has been honoured as Wilford L. White Fellow of the International Council of Small Business (ICSB, 2014) and as ECSB Fellow (2011).

Friederike Welter´s main research interests are related to small business development and entrepreneurial behaviour in different contexts, women´s entrepreneurship and generally SME and entrepreneurship policies. Friederike Welter is on the review board of several leading international academic journals, including Entrepreneurship & Regional Development and the International Small Business Journal. She also is Senior Editor of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, a leading entrepreneurship journal.
Since 1993, Friederike Welter has been involved in over 30 SME and entrepreneurship-related research projects, funded by ministries, national research foundations and international organisations such as the EU, USAID, OECD or ILO. Moreover, Friederike Welter has wide experiences in applied policy-related research on SME and entrepreneurship development and acts as consultant on these issues, much of it in an international context for OECD and similar organisations.


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