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Dr. Meike Stephan

Phone: 02 71-7 40 50 01

Fax: 02 71-7 40 15 00 1

E-Mail: Dr. Meike Stephan

Room: US-A 127/1

Office Hours: by Appointment                                
Biography & Research:
Meike Stephan graduated with a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Siegen in 2015. Afterwards she worked as research assistant at the Chair of SME Management and Entrepreneurship of Prof. Dr. Arndt Werner. Besides her work as research assistant, she was responsible for the start-up accelerator program “One Small Step-Boost” which is funded by the Entrepreneurship Center of University Siegen and Startpunkt57 e.V..  In 2024, she completed her doctorate in the field of Entrepreneurship and SME Management with the title “Contextual Antecedents of Entrepreneurship and Well-being”.
Her research fields are contextual factors of Entrepreneurship and SME Management. 

Dr. Simone Schmid

Phone: 02 71-7 40 41 70                   

Fax: 02 71-7 40 14 17 0

E-Mail: Simone Schmid

Room: US-A 127

Office Hours: by Appointment                                              
Biography & Research

Simone Schmid studied at the University of Regensburg. She holds diplomas in Educational Science and Economics. From 06/2010 to 05/2016 she worked as a doctoral researcher and teaching associate and from 06/2016 to 03/2021 as a post-doctoral researcher and teaching associate at the Chair of Human Resources Management and Leadership Studies, Economics and Business Administration, University of Chemnitz. In 2016, she received her doctorate (summa cum laude). Her dissertation titeled „Success factor team!? A multi-methodological and multi-case approach to empirically analyze factors that determine successful teamwork“ was awarded with the dissertation prize at the University of Chemnitz. Since 04/2021 she is a post-doctoral researcher at the Professorship of Business Administration, in particular of SME Management and Entrepreneurship, University of Siegen (SFB 1472 “Transformation of the Popular" funded by the German Research Foundation).

Her main research areas are Organizational Behavior, Leadership, Strategic Management, Organizational Learning, and Human Resource. She investigates how organizations and their members cope with extreme events, uncertainty, and how organizations can be led and managed to be more adaptive. The use of both qualitative and/or quantitative methods of social research methodologically reflects her theoretical agenda.

Her very recent interest is in the discursive construction and selective popularization of entrepreneurship as well as how non-popular everyday entrepreneurship deals with the images of business that are considered popular (SFB 1472 - Subproject B06 - Prof. Dr. Friederike Welter - “Paradoxes of Popularity – Between Hidden Champions and Everyday Entrepreneurship“).

Felix Becker


Phone: 02 71-74 05 24 8

Fax: 02 71-74 01 52 48

E-Mail: Felix Becker

Room: US-A 127/1

Office Hours: by Appointment                                                           

 Foto_Felix Becker

Biography & Research

Felix Becker graduated in 2017 with a Bachelor's degree (B. Sc.) in economics from University of Bonn. He then gained practical experience in business management in the areas of project management and consulting in various companies. In 2020 he completed his Master of Science in "Entrepreneurship and SME Management" at the University of Siegen. His master's thesis dealt with entrepreneurship in multigenerational family businesses. His current research ties in thematically with this and he is investigating how entrepreneurship, especially in SMEs, is changing and evolving in the digital era.

Anna-Katharina Schaper

External Researcher 



E-Mail: Anna-Katharina Schaper                      

                                                               Anna-Katharina Schaper


Biography & Research

Anna-Katharina Schaper holds a bachelor’s degree (BA) in Political Science and Economics from Heidelberg University and a master’s degree (MSc) in China Business and Economics from the University of Würzburg. During her studies, she studied a year abroad at Beijing Foreign Studies University and Shanghai International Studies University (2013-2014). Additionally, she gained China-related work experience at the Asia-Pacific Committee of German Business (APA), the Volkswagen Group (Wolfsburg), and Maxxelli Consulting (Chengdu).

Since April 2018, she works as a research associate at the Chair of China Business and Economics at the University of Würzburg. Her research interests cover SMEs and start-ups in China, with a focus on Chinese women’s entrepreneurship. During her doctoral studies, she also spent one year as a visiting doctoral researcher at Peking University (2019-2020). Her research stay was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). 

Univ.-Prof.in Dr. Friederike Welter supervises Anna-Katharina Schaper’s doctoral dissertation.

Jessica Espinoza Trujano 

External Researcher 




  E-Mail:  Jessica Espinoza Trujano                           


                                   Jessica Espinoza Trujano

Biography & Research

Jessica Espinoza Trujano holds a double degree in International Business Management from ESB Business School at Reutlingen University and Dublin City University. She is an external PhD candidate researching the transformative impact potential of gender lens investing under the supervision of Univ.-Prof.in Dr. Friederike Welter at University of Siegen. Her research interest lies at the intersection of female entrepreneurship, and finance and investing. Most recently, she contributed two empirical research papers to the Special Issue on Gender Lens Investing of the Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment. 

She is a member of the International Association of Feminist Economics (IAFFE) where she also serves as Chair of the online events committee, and of Diana International Research Institute. She is also a gender lens investment practitioner, having worked in the international field of entrepreneurship, finance and investment for over a decade. In her current role as CEO of the 2X Collaborative, a global industry body for gender lens investing, she aims to bring theory and practice more closely together in the field of finance and female entrepreneurship.


Lennart Beißel

Research Assistant 



E-Mail: Lennart.Beissel@student.uni-siegen.de                   


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